Become a Member

The Youth Fellowship of CSI East Parade Malayalam Pastorate, popularly known as EMY, is an assembly of young people of the church in the age group of 14 to 35 years, working together for the glory of God and His most precious name.

The vision of EMY is to help each member to:

        -Grow in a personal relationship with Jesus
        -Build meaningful relationships and involvement with                              the other organs of the church, such as Sunday School, SCF,                Women’s Fellowship, Choir, Family Ministry, etc.
       -Build healthy and wholesome relations among the                                 youth of the Church
      – Reach out to the needy and the less privileged



Bible Studies are organised regularly for the members of EMY every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month.



CSI East Parade Malayalam Pastorate – Youth Fellowship popularly known, as EMY is an assembly of young people of the church in the age group of 15 to 35 years, working together for the Glory of GOD and His most Precious Name.



We meet every Sunday Morning at 9 AM at the church. These meetings are a time of praise and worship followed by a message by an internal or external speaker. The gists of the messages are posted on the EMY e-group.


Meeting Timings

The EMY meetes regularly at these times
Sundays @9:00 Am before Church Services

We have outreach programs once or twice each month. We visit orphanages, hospitals, old age homes, etc. as part of our outreach mission and try to spread a little bit of joy and cheer amongst the people who are normally deprived of the same. We sing songs and share some snacks with these people and spend some time with them trying to understand them. These visits serve as a reminder to us of God’s manifold blessings that have been unconditionally showered on us, which we most often take for granted.
There are many members of the church who are bed-ridden and unable to attend the regular church worship service as well as other activities of the church. Through the in-reach programs, we reach out to these people, go to their home and spend time with them. We sing songs and also conduct a small worship service at their home. As part of the In-Reach program, we also conduct carol rounds at the homes of the elderly.


Evening Services are worship services which are conducted by the Youth at specific times in a year. A special order of worship is followed for these services. The different portions of the service as well as the sermon is taken by the Youth.


Every year, we conduct an EMY camp through which we are able to spend time away from our daily routines and engage in meaningful sessions which help us to grow in our spiritual journey. It is a mixture of talks and discussions held by our main speakers, workshops, activities, etc.


Some of the other important activities include Youth-SCF meets, Harvest Festival stalls, EMY Food Sale, Blood Donation Camp at church, various competitions, conducting seminars, etc.
One Sunday of every month (usually 3rd Sunday), the youth leads the lay ministry during worship service.


The library has over 200 books which are properly indexed and cataloged. This will soon be made available for use by members of the church / EMY. We invite members to come and use the library.

Prayer Requests

A Prayer calendar is being prepared and circulated to the members. Many people had sent in prayer request, which are being remembered and prayed for by other members.